BICSI ICT Career Paths

Credentialing transformations provide a career path and make ICT professionals stronger.
As the field of credentialing and the information and communications technology (ICT) industry continue to evolve, so do BICSI credentials and certifications. The BICSI ICT Certification Institute values career growth and is dedicated to providing career paths for individuals in the global ICT community.
As a long-standing credential holder or someone just getting started, you are on a lifelong ICT career and credentialing journey.
With changing demographics, there are varying educational and experiential backgrounds of individuals now entering the ICT profession. A commitment to providing a career path through certification and continuing education is critical to our profession. The BICSI Board of Directors agrees that BICSI must provide a standard for growth in the ICT profession.
BICSI credentials and certifications evolve with the ICT industry following established credentialing best practices and standards. With this, we want to make certain that BICSI provides an accessible, relevant and meaningful certification career path for the ICT profession.
If you have any questions, please contact us by email at [email protected] or 800.242.7405 (USA and Canada toll-free) or +1 813.979.1991.
Certified Credentialing Specialist
Vice President, Certifications
RCSC Staff Liaison
ICT Certifications
Cabling InstallationBICSI offers progressive installation training opportunities and credentialing exams to validate your installation knowledge and experience.
Registered Communications Distribution Designer® (RCDD®)
The most prestigious and globally recognized credential in the ICT community, RCDDs have the ability to design, integrate and implement ICT and related infrastructure components.
Registered Telecommunications Project Manager® (RTPM®)
Highly valued credential for project managers specializing in ICT infrastructure project management. No general project management program can compete with the value offered through this state-of-the-art specialized certification.
BICSI Outside Plant Designer™ (OSP)
OSP certification is the leading aerial and direct burial plant designation, unparalleled in the ICT industry.
Data Center Design Consultant™ (DCDC®)
BICSI is the leading authority on data center design programs, designed to educate ICT professionals in proper methods of designing the world's largest and fastest data centers.