BICSI Membership Enrollment



Come join BICSI's vibrant community of ICT professionals. As a member, you will have full access to your community of peers – and we promise you will have an exceptional experience.


  • Technical, vendor-neutral content
  • Tools to help you succeed
  • Friends and business contacts
  • Hundreds of dollars in savings
Regardless of your position within the ICT profession, joining BICSI as a member gives you the edge you need to boost your job performance. Get access to an array of resources, including the leading technical journal of the industry. Find out more.
Companies that display their support for the ICT community by joining BICSI, benefit through maximum exposure to more than 20,000 qualified customers! The marketing and training opportunities provided in the Corporate Membership program will have an immediate impact on your company's bottom line. Find out more.
BICSI offers membership dues at a reduced price for full-time students. As a member, you will have access to competitive discounts on educational resources, making it easier to start your ICT career off on the right foot. Click the button above for the student membership rate.
If you believe that you are due to renew your membership and your Renewal order is not listed on your “My Orders” page, then please contact the membership department at [email protected] or +1 813.979.1991 or 800.242.7405 (USA & Canada toll-free).

Membership Information

  • Individual Membership

    Regardless of your position within the ICT profession, joining BICSI as a member gives you the edge you need to boost your job performance. Get access to an array of resources, including the leading technical journal of the industry.

    Learn more...

  • Corporate Membership

    Companies that display their support for the ICT community by joining BICSI, benefit through maximum exposure to more than 20,000 qualified customers! The marketing and training opportunities provided in the Corporate Membership program will have an immediate impact on your company's bottom-line.

    Learn more...

  • Join Now

  • Membership Renewals

    If you are due to renew your membership, then please check your “Make Payment” page ( for your renewal order.

    If you believe that you are due to renew your membership and your Renewal order is not listed on your “My Orders” page, then please contact the membership department at [email protected] or +1 813.979.1991 or 800.242.7405 (USA & Canada toll-free).
  • Questions

    Contact our Membership Services Team.

    Email: [email protected]

    Tel: +1 813.979.1991 or 800.242.7405 (USA/Canada toll free)

Looking to renew your BICSI Certification? Click the button above for more details on maintaining your investment through recertification of your credential or contact [email protected] for additional information.

What BICSI Members are Saying About their Membership


David Levine, RCDD Director of Sales – Network Cabling Solutions, HellermannTyton, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

“BICSI is the hub of our industry. From education and credentialing, to standards and professional networking, BICSI provides so many channels for professional and personal development.”

Lyle L. Zimmerman, RCDD, Retired, University of Washington, Snohomish, WA, USA

"BICSI has been an unbelievable partner in providing technical knowledge, enabling us to evaluate our layer one infrastructure, make recommendations and carry out plans for upgrades."

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