BICSI Mainland Europe District

Roshanak Le Goic

Mainland Europe District Chair
Roshanak Le Goic
Product Marketing Manager - DC FO solutions - Legrand
5 r Jean Nicot, 93500 Pantin
Tel: 0033 622 632 553
Email: [email protected]

Mainland Europe Secretary
Thierry Morgenstern
Thierry Morgenstern
Orée de Sénart Bâtiment Lamartine
91210 DRAVEIL, France

Active Countries

Albania  Albania, Benelux (Belgium  Belgium, The Netherlands  The Netherlands, Luxembourg  Luxembourg), Bosnia and Herzegovina  Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria  Bulgaria, Czech Republic  Czech Republic, Croatia  Croatia, Greece  Greece, France  France, Italy  Italy, Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of  Macedonia Former Yugoslavian Republic, Romania  Romania, Serbia  Serbia, Slovenia  Slovenia, Slovakia  Slovakia, Sweden  Sweden

Local Contacts

Benelux Country Chair
Menno van de Veen, RCDD
Mirnervum 7601, Breda, 4817ZK The Netherlands
Tel : +3176573, ext. 2021
Mobile: +31.65.799.3178

Czech Republic Country Chair
Evzenie (Genia) Tohami Pod Kaplickou 11
Prague, 13000
Czech Republic
Phone: 042-0603417565

Denmark Country Chair
Jesper Andersson RCDD, DCDC, CDCDP
Lemvigh-Muller A/S
Stationsalleen 40
2730 Herlev, Denmark
Phone: +45 40604019

Greece Country Chair
Dimitris Filippou
I2QS Ltd.
2, Eptanisou Street,
152 31 Chalandri, Hellas
Tel: 0030 210 6781087
Fax: 0030 210 6781053

Italy Country Chair
Mario Vellano, RCDD
Via Cimabue, 5/B
Via Fratelli Cervi, 33
Torino 10137 Italy
Phone: +39 02 620 227 218
Mobile: +39 340 607 3635

Italy Vice Country Chair
Roberto Sortino, RCDD, NTS
Spring s.r.l.
Training, Design and Consulting Company
Phone: +39 3701315471

Romania Country Chair
Yannis Katris, RCDD
Bd. George Cosbuc 42-44, Etaj 3
Bucharest, 050142, Romania
Work #: +40 214245950
Mobile: +40 722283888

Sweden Country Chair
Jörgen Strandberg, RCDD
Fagerstagatan 18A
Box 54 Spanga
163 91 Sweden
Tel: +46 (0)8 58760383
Mobile: +46 (0)708 576 38

Ukraine Country Chair
Vladyslav Ritskyi
Premium Line Systems GmbH
6 Stepana Bandery Ave.,
04073 Kiev, Ukraine
Tel: +380 67 538 39 27
Email: [email protected]


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