BICSI Mentee Application Form


Mentorship Program – 2025/2026

Mentee Application Form


Thank you for your interest in the Mentorship Program. Please complete the form in its entirety. Note all questions require a response to successfully submit the application.  


Are you currently a BICSI member (must be a current BICSI member to apply - student membership accepted)
Are you willing and able to dedicate yourself to a 1-year Program that will include, at minimum, a 1-hour Mentor/Mentee call per month? Conference attendance suggested, but not mandatory.
Are you willing and able to provide detailed feedback including learning experiences, outcomes, suggestions, and assessment of Mentor at conclusion of program?
Please indicate your experience participating in BICSI. Select all that apply.
The following are the BICSI Committees. Please select any you would like to learn more about. Select all that apply.
Note: The code is case sensitive.