Reinstatement for Lapsed Credential Holders

Eligibility: Available to any credential holder who has a lapsed certification for no more
than two terms past the certification's original expiration date:
- Option 1 - Retest
- Option 2 - Follow the procedures listed below for the particular certification
Reinstatements: The certification will remain in expired status until the completion of the
requirements outlined in this policy.
For more information or to request reinstatement, please contact [email protected].
RCDD® | Provide documentation for the continued work
of an RCDD performed over the lapsed period. | List any ICT training attended
during the lapsed period. |
| Attend and complete the DD215 class. | Pay reinstatement fee. |
RTPM® | Provide documentation for the continued work
of a Project Manager performed over the lapsed
period. | List any ICT training attended
during the lapsed period. |
| Attend and complete the PM102 class. | Pay reinstatement fee. |
BICSI OSP™ | Provide documentation for the continued work
of an OSP performed over the lapsed period. | List any ICT training attended
during the lapsed period. |
| Attend and complete the OSP102 class. | Pay reinstatement fee. |
DCDC® | Provide documentation for the continued work
of a DCDC performed over the lapsed period. | List any ICT training attended
during the lapsed period. |
| Attend and complete the DC102 class. | Pay reinstatement fee. |
BICSI TECH™ | Provide documentation for the continued work
of a Technician performed over the lapsed period. | List any ICT training attended
during the lapsed period. |
| Attend and complete the TE350 class. | Pay reinstatement fee. |
INSTC® | Provide documentation for the continued work
of an Installer performed over the lapsed period. | List any ICT training attended
during the lapsed period. |
| Attend and complete the IN225 class. | Pay reinstatement fee. |
INSTF® | Provide documentation for the continued work
of an Installer performed over the lapsed period. | List any ICT training attended
during the lapsed period. |
| Attend and complete the IN250 class. | Pay reinstatement fee. |
BICSI may grant reinstatement in cases where the credential holder is affected by extreme circumstances for severe and/or prolonged medical or immediate family member emergencies, military conflicts, acts of war, national emergencies, major natural disasters, and prolonged assignments into remote and/or isolated areas. These requests must be in writing with supporting documentation and contain contact information and authorization for BICSI to contact. Reinstatement will not be provided for requests that cannot be verified.
Reinstatement for lapsed credential holders is available one time. Any future lapsed periods will require a retest to earn certification.
©BICSI March 2025. All rights reserved. BICSI and all other registered trademarks within are property of BICSI, Inc.