Filing an Ethics Complaint

An ethics complaint may be filed when there is a concern of a violation of the BICSI Standards of Conduct. Complaints may be filed relating to concerns of false claims of BICSI Membership or Credentials.

BICSI Standards of Conduct violations

BICSI’s general membership and credential holders are expected to exercise good judgment. When in doubt, one must ask, “Is it ethical? Is it legal?” If the answer is “perhaps” or “no,” one must reconsider their action to ensure a high standard of personal and professional conduct is maintained.

It is everyone’s responsibility to report to the Ethics Committee any violations of the BICSI Standards of Conduct, including, but not limited to:

  • Misrepresenting or misstating accurate and truthful dealing in customer relationship and services provided.
  • Misrepresenting or misstating accurate and truthful presentation of educational material and profession-related documentation.
  • Misrepresenting or misstating another individual’s qualifications, abilities and/or accomplishments.
  • Misleading in the adherence of applicable codes, laws, industry standards and BICSI methodologies.
  • Using misleading statements or malicious actions that result in injuring a colleague’s reputation or physically harming a person or property.
  • Misuse of BICSI credentials stamps and/or BICSI’s logo.
  • Discriminating against an individual based on age, race, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, disability or religious belief.

Violations of the Standards of Conduct are taken seriously by BICSI.

Upon report of a violation, BICSI’s Ethics Committee will conduct an investigation. After the investigation, if a violation is confirmed, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

Disciplinary actions include:

  • Admonishment: A written warning. An admonishment is not entered into the member/credential holder’s record and is not published to membership or the general public.
  • Reprimand: A serious written warning. A reprimand is entered into the member/credential holder’s record for a period of two (2) years. A reprimand is not published to membership or the general public. An appeal process is available.
  • Censure: A formal written expression of criticism and disapproval for a violation. A censure is entered into the member/credential holder’s record and is published to membership or the general public. An appeal process is available.
  • Suspension: A temporary revocation of the rights and privileges of membership and/or credential. A suspension is entered into the member/credential holder’s record and is published to membership and the general public. It will remain permanently on his/her record. An appeal process is available.
  • Expulsion: A complete termination of membership and/or credential holder status or any affiliation with BICSI. An expulsion is published to membership and the general public. It will remain permanently on his/her record. An appeal process is available.

Retaliation against anyone filing a complaint to the Ethics Committee constitutes a violation of the Standards of Conduct and will be treated as unethical conduct and will be subject to disciplinary action.

Knowingly filing a false complaint will be treated as unethical conduct and will be subject to disciplinary action.

Filing a complaint

Before the Ethics Committee can respond to an ethics complaint, it is necessary for the committee to have as much information as possible so that a proper investigation can take place.A party that wishes to file a complaint should submit it in writing to the Ethics Committee. Once the information has been received, it will be reviewed and investigated, and a determination of the proper course of action will be made.

Knowingly filing a false complaint will be treated as unethical conduct and will be addressed accordingly.

Please note that sufficient information is needed to properly investigate your concerns. Both member and nonmember complaints should include at least the following information:

  1. The specific Standards of Conduct you believe has been violated.

  2. Supporting documentation and information relating to a false claim of BICSI Membership or Credentials.

  3. Contact information for the offending party and the client or customer.

  4. The date and details of the incident.

  5. Supporting documents that may apply (i.e., correspondence, advertisements, bid qualifications or specifications, or any confirmation documentation, etc.).

  6. An explanation of any efforts you may have made to resolve the matter, if any.

  7. Any responses the offending member has made to resolve the matter.

  8. Your contact information.

Once the above information has been gathered, you may file a complaint online.


You may also e-mail the Ethics Committee at [email protected], or mail or fax to the BICSI Ethics Committee:

BICSI Ethics Committee Staff Liaison
8610 Hidden River Parkway
Tampa, FL 33637-1000
Fax: +1 813.769.1846


Committee Members

George Fewell, RCDD

Vice Chair
Kent Gibson, RCDD

Recording Secretary
Randi Soskil, RCDD

Board Liaison
James "Jim" Walters, RCDD, DCDC, OSP, RTP, PMP, CISSP, GICSP

Ex-Officio Member
George F. A. Parnell, General Counsel

Staff Liaison
Bernie Currie, PHR, SHRM-CP

Dennis Mazaris, RCDD, RTPM
General Hopper, RCDD
Howard Weiss, RCDD
Larry Hamlin, RCDD, OSP
Makiko Matsushita
Patrick Messinger, RCDD, TECH
Ryan Sennett, RCDD
Terrence Riffle, RCDD
Tony Whaley, RCDD, DCDC, ESS, NTS, WD
Nelson Lowes, RCDD
Andrew Henneberry, RCDD, DCDC, OSP, RTPM